Wednesday, August 24, 2011

7 Months and Counting

Yesterday marked 7months of mommy-hood for me..  It’s unbelievable to even fathom that my little girl has been here for almost a year now.. Pretty soon she will be walking and talking, then before I know it we’ll will be sending her off to school for the first time *tear*..

OK … ok….  Let me slow down, because I can’t get over how much has changed in the past 7months…

It feels like yesterday, I was complaining about being a blimp.. Waddling around my job and house like a penguin, anxious for the moment that I finally get to say “Let’s go to the hospital… Funny to think about it now, because if she wasn’t as patient (Or hardheaded, like I called her for a few weeks when I was about to burst, and she didn’t want to come out) as she had been then I would’ve missed out on one of those “stepping stones” in a soon-to-be mothers journey. Maternity pictures…

Luckily my family and friends are truly some of the best people I know, that they helped me get my “I can’t get off the floor without the help of someone (maybe two people) pictures A.K.A Maternity Pictures” out of the way before my water broke..

After 9 months of being pregnant, 2 months of being uncomfortable, and 3 weeks of wishing the baby would just get the hell out of me, on Saturday January 22nd  around 10 O’clock at night, I FINALLY got to say “Let’s go to the hospital”.. Now of course after all the complaining that I made my husband endure for the past few weeks, you would “Assume” I was ready and wanting this to be over with that I would’ve waddled right out to the car once the doctor gave me the green light… NOPE.. It didn’t even make me move faster that in the next few hours we were going to meet our little angel. Instead the first thing that I thought about once the doctor told me to get my bags and head to the hospital was to jump my preggo butt in the shower (For all the mommies out there, You know exactly what I’m talking about)…. So before we actually got on the road I had to make sure that all my “parts” were ready to be stared at for the next few hours (Believe me if I could’ve seen my goodies I would’ve made sure everything was nice and tidy, but due to the fact that I had a watermelon in my belly I just had to deal with a 10 minute as hot as I was allowed to take shower), which was an additional ½ of me complaining about how I’m ready to have this baby; And I’m sure Ben was thinking something along the lines of “Shut up” (to make it PG-13), but since he loves me he dealt with every impolite jester that I threw at him… Now at the hospital that was a different story because that tard decided to sleep the entire time while my three supporters (Mom, Aunt Eileen and Ang) kept me sane..

Following the 16 hours of labor that I had to undergo, and will soon forget once this little girl hits her terrible 2’s and I’m wishing I had that sweet little infant again in my arms, I finally got to meet the little girl that I had dreamt about for the past 9 months… My Scarlie <3 Even though the delivery didn’t go as I had planned, she was perfectly healthy and the most beautiful creation that I had ever laid my eyes on. That night I couldn’t even sleep; even though I was utterly exhausted; because I was mesmerized by this incredible little being that I have the joy of calling my daughter.. There truly is NOTHING like putting your eyes on your first born for the very first time. To this day I find myself starring at her in amazement; I’m sure there will be many more times throughout her life that I will catch myself remembering the day she was born and each time the smile will spread across my face as if it were the first day all over again.

Over the next few months there were a lot of up and downs, but mostly “ups”.. Like any normal ‘new’ parent there are obstacles and questions that will arise and it’s just about conquering each one of them. Her first bath (one of the steps/experiences that will be remembered forever) at home was one of those “What the hell are we going to do moments”.. She didn’t like the water, and since I hated to hear her scream (she was only a week or so old) I just scooped her back up out of the water to comfort her. Now fast forwarding to today and her bath ritual, you would’ve never thought she hated being the water the first times she experienced ‘bath time’, because this little girl NEVER wants to get out. Her hobbies in the water are eating washcloths, splashing mommy and daddy, eating the bubbles, and attempting to sit forward to she can reach the other end of her tub..

Around month 2-3 she started to show a little more of her character (Smiling/smirking/grinning).. Fortunately enough I was able to catch one of her first grins (another stepping stone) and catch a few pictures of it.. I see though that she has some of her mommies characteristics in her, because at times she doesn’t mind the camera and even finds it amusing. But then her father shines through and she freezes up and won’t allow anymore ‘decent’ pictures taken of her. (At least that is how it was in the beginning… I am “training” her well when it comes to loving the camera~!) The first time she recognized me and grinned made my heart flutter.

Now each day I come home; whether on my darkest or on one of my happiest;  she is there welcoming me with the BIGGEST toothless smile, which ALWAYS brightens up my day.. IN addition to charming smirks she blesses us with now, her laugh can fill a room. From her tiny chuckle to her belly laugh you can’t help but to smile over this little munchkin.
Each day comes with new challenges. From rolling over and attempting to crawl, to trying out new foods for the first time that mommy decided to create in her kitchen of madness.. There isn’t one second that I don’t love every moment of my new title, even the times when I have my fingers covered in poop and my bed that was just freshly made is getting pee’d on by a runaway (or I should say “roll away”) naked baby; I wouldn’t change anything in the past 7 months. In the next 5 I’m sure there will be PLENTY more tales to tell (First tooth cutting through, first time crawling, and walking and then the BIG one her first Birthday) and at that point, everyone will have to endure ANOTHER 5 minute long blog of nothing else but my lovely incredible wide eyed Irish muffin J  Until then I’ll let you check out some of my favorite pictures from the past few months!!


My heart...

Spending some quality time with some of the people that love her unconditionally <3 (Great Grandma Martha, and Great Grandma Ann)

Special Bonding time from "some" of her Auntie's <3
Let's not forget the Adoring Grandma's!!!!

And Grandpa's!!!!

Lets not forget the TWO amazing people that brought this little monster into the world..

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

One of my Favorites is with both of my children...
Buddha and Scarlie :)
My babies ....

Well folks I think I've burned your eyes long enough for one day, with all my mushy family sweetness!!.. Until next time.. :)


  1. It's so amazing how LITTLE she was! Now she's a little chunker :)

  2. I don't know how but Scarlet keeps getting even cuter! <3
